14 de maig 2009


PIPPI LONGSTOCKING, BY ASTRID LINDGREN. This edition is published by Oxford univesrity press and illustrated by Tony Ross.
And translated by Edna Hurup.

Here is a book for young readers!

I know some little children have seen this adventurous girl on TV series, but this reading is really suitable for young learners.

is a complex character that readers must discover and think about her way of life.

The author of this book had her own vision on what children really need to be happy and enjoy life.

Astrid Lindgren felt the need to create
a vitalist character who could experience funny and enriching situations, all of them important to her, important to grow up as a person.

PIPPI CALCESLLARGUES, creat per l´ASTRID LINDGREN. Publicat en anglès per Oxford University Press. Il.lutrat pel Tony Ross traduït per Edna Hurup.

Aquí teniu una novel.la molt recomanada per a lectors més joves!

El personatge de la PIPPI és complexe, plena de sentiments, emocions i vivències.

Val la pena que la descobriu i reflexioneu sobre la seva visió de la vida, de l´amistat...

L´autora d´aquesta història tenia una percepció personal sobre com s´estava educant els infants durant els anys 40 i 50.

Astrid Lindgren va voler crear un personatge vitalista i que les experiències que anés vivint l´ajudessin a créixer, de mica en mica.

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